Being a Bookworm

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Some people are readers and some are not. I am a reader and always have been. Almost every free second I have, I spend submerged in some kind of adventure in the magical land of stories. Whether I am a knight fighting a dragon, a wizard brewing a potion, a mermaid swimming in the cool salty waters of the ocean, or even an explorer searching a jungle for treasure, the sky’s the limit! I love getting transported to these exciting moments, places, and times. They leave me breathless with anticipation and joy wanting to know more! Even before I learned how to read I listened intently to books and stories awed and amazed that a simple piece of paper could bring me such powerful emotions. When I listen and read stories I feel emotions including grief, anger, joy, confusion, compassion, love, and many others. My passion for reading has grown and so has the amount of books that fill numerous shelves in my house, so many books that, like stars in the sky, I can’t count how many there are. 

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One of my favorite book series is Harry Potter! I like these books because JK Rowling does a great job adding small details in earlier books that you think nothing of but they play a crucial role in a later book. Another thing I love about the Harry Potter series is that JK Rowling describes the details of the surroundings. That helps me visualize what is happening. Another one of my favorite books is The Lord of The Rings trilogy. Although I have only read The Hobbit and The Fellowship of The Rings, which is the first book in the trilogy, I look forward to reading the others. One thing I really enjoy about reading The Lord Of The Rings is J.R.R Tolkien gives the characters so much personality that when I read the books it feels like I really understand and get to know the characters. 

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I have never been a non-fiction reader. To me reading non-fiction books feels more like work than a fun activity to do in my freetime. Once I start reading one I quickly become bored of them and my mind wanders off. I do love fiction books though. Especially the really good ones where I experience and feel everything the main character(s) are going through. To be honest I do tend to read more graphic novels than novels. One reason I read more graphic novels is that I am a visual learner. I like looking at pictures because they help me visualize and understand what is happening and going on better. One of my goals is to read more nonfiction books. Once I do find a good book though I read it nonstop until I finish. There are very few things in the world as devastating as turning the last page of a book I have lived with. I feel sad like a part of me is missing or I lost a friend. Even though I am sorrowful the book has ended I am also somewhat excited, looking forward to whatever adventure my new book will take me on.

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Thanks for reading and comment below if you have any book recommendations!



  1. Another interesting post, Maddy! Your parents gave you the gift of reading and we are proud of the great reader you are! Although I do read (mostly) fiction with my Book Club, I enjoy non-fiction as well. Former first lady Michelle Obama’s book “Becoming” has been adapted for young readers. I highly recommend it. In addition to learning about her upbringing and past successes, she asks the reader to ponder what you want to become. Excellent!

  2. Great post and great taste in literature. I really enjoy how you are able to think about why you read like you do. My favorites are science fiction and fantasy, and I love to read with you!

  3. WOW Maddy. I learn new things about you every time I read your Blog. I can’t wait for the next one.

  4. I loved your blog post! I liked how you said how much you connect to the characters, like when you said, “if i’m a mermaid in the salty water”. Good job!

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